To learn more about why your gums are bleeding or to schedule an appointment, call (903) 708-6400 for Dr. Sam's Premier Dentistry in Sherman, Texas.

Why Are Your Gums Bleeding?

man holding his jaw in pain

Bleeding gums can point to gum disease or other health problems. Mild bleeding may result when you do not use a soft bristle toothbrush, floss inappropriately, or brush your teeth vigorously. Other causes of this condition may stem from medical issues like:


Gingivitis is an inflammation of your gums that can cause them to bleed. It is a subtle form of gum disease resulting from plaque buildup along your gumline. Plaque is a sticky film comprising bacteria that sticks to the teeth over time. It causes irritations in your gums and swellings that may turn red. Bleeding occurs when you brush your teeth during this time.

Plaque hardens and becomes tartar. It increases bleeding if you do not take care of your teeth. To avoid this condition, get into the habit of brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.


Swelling or bleeding gums can signal that you suffer from diabetes type one or two. Having this disease makes the antibodies in your mouth weak at fighting germs. Such a scenario creates the right conditions for developing gum disease. Diabetes results from high blood sugar, making your wounds take longer to heal and exacerbating gum disease.

Vitamin Deficiencies

When you lack or have low amounts of vitamins C and K, you are at a higher risk of developing bleeding gums. If you are unsure of what is causing this issue, ask your doctor to test for these deficiencies. To avoid this, maintain a diet that contains these nutrients. Eat foods like:

  • Olive oil

  • Citrus fruits or juices

  • Canola oil

  • Broccoli

  • Soybeans

  • Strawberries

  • Mustard greens

  • Tomatoes

  • Lettuce

  • Potatoes

  • Spinach

  • Swiss chard

  • Bell peppers

  • Kale

Visit a nutritionist to find out other foods that are rich in vitamins K and C.


If your gums bleed without the blood clotting when you brush, it may indicate irritation or thrombocytopenia. The condition stems from insufficient platelets to form a blood clot to cover a wound. Thrombocytopenia can cause continuous bleeding in other areas of your body aside from the gums.

Bleeding gums can signal other issues like Von Willebrand disease or hemophilia. Like thrombocytopenia, they may cause the same problems with injuries in several body areas.


Periodontitis is a condition that occurs after letting gingivitis proceed without proper care. It is a chronic long-term condition that can damage the bones and tissues that support your teeth. Periodontal disease inflames and infects your gums, retreating from the roots of the teeth. Bleeding in your gum area comes easily when your teeth separate or become loose.

Other symptoms may include an awful taste in the mouth, foul breath, and swollen, tender gums. The condition may cause a shift in how your teeth clasp when you bite. Without proper treatment, periodontal disease can result in the loss of some teeth.


Bleeding gums could be a sign of diseases like leukemia. Platelets in your blood help control bleeding when you get an injury. Leukemia reduces your platelet count, making clotting difficult when you get a cut. It can affect your gums and other parts of your body.

For more about why your gums are bleeding, visit Dr. Sam's Premier Dentistry at our Sherman, Texas, office. Call (903) 708-6400 to schedule an appointment today.